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Causes and results of the disaster occurred in Mestiachala basin
Author: Ana Chartolanisupervisor: Giorgi Dvalashvili
Keywords: Mestiachala basin, rocky mass
Some new data about Andria Benashvili’s work: after archive materials
Author: Dali NikolaishviliKeywords: Andria Benashvili, Historical Geography, Physical observatory of Georgia, Institute of Geography.
Agrotouristic potential of Georgia
Author: tamar tefnadzesupervisor: Dali nikolaishvili
Keywords: agrotourizm, potential, factors, tourism
The morphological-morphometric analysis of Sun systems bodies by using the comparative-decriptive method
Author: Tsetsilia DonadzeKeywords: Planetology, Archimedes, gravitation, Sun wind
Georgian toponymy of Gurgistan Vilayet
Author: ani sheroziasupervisor: Dali nikolaishvili
Keywords: Gurgistan, Vilayet, toponyms, The Great Account, a toponymic
Methodological Approach of Mudflow Processes’ Classification
Author: Tinatin NanobashviliKeywords: Mudflow Processes, Genesis, Results, Classification
Concept about time scale and its communication with scales of space and contents
Author: Tengiz GordezianiKeywords: Space, time, scale
Georgian orographic units according to municipalities
Author: Giorgi DvalashviliKeywords: Relief, Mount, Pass, Caucasus
Use modern achievements in geoinformatics processing of the results of stationary surveys
Author: neli jamaspashviliCo-authors: N.N. Beruchashvili, L. Beruchashvili
Keywords: landscape, ecological, geoinformation
Renewable energy potential in Samtskhe - Javakheti region
Author: Tea Eradzesupervisor: Mariam Elizbarashvili
Keywords: renewable energy
Westerwald-lahn-taunus national geopark
Author: Tamar Chichinadzesupervisor: Dali Nikolaishvili
Keywords: Geopark, Geology, Population, Tourism
St. Geographical and cartographic analysis of the land plot Tbilisi
Author: mariam gagoshashvilisupervisor: Tengiz Gordeziani
Keywords: Land plot, cartographic analysis, agro-climatic analysis.
Cartographic aspects of wine growing and wine making in Georgia
Author: Manana SharashenidzeCo-authors: Tengiz Gordeziani
Keywords: winemaking, wine growing, mapping
Desertification, as a process, its possible demeanor on the Eldari lowland (Georgia, The Caucasus) and some theoretical issues of remote sensing technique related to it
Author: Bagrat Kikvadzesupervisor: Roman Maisuradze
Keywords: Desertification, Eldari lowland, Remote sensing