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Creating unipolar voltage-ampere characteristic Memristors using nitrides.
Author: Revazi KobaidzeCo-authors: Baqar Duadze,Givi Sixarulidze,Amiran Bibilashvili
supervisor: Amiran Bibilashvili
Keywords: Memristor, Nitride
Unusual magnetism in semiconducting 2D molybdenum dichalcogenides
Author: Alexander ShengelayaCo-authors: Zurab Guguchia
Magnetism of Materials
Author: Zviadi Zarkuasupervisor: prof. Alexander Shengenaya
Keywords: magnetism, hysteresis, domain structure, Ferromagnetism
Unusual conductivity in Ga2O3 thin film
Author: Tinatin TsiskaridzeCo-authors: Bachana Beradze, Ekaterine Chikoidze
supervisor: Tamar Tchelidze
Keywords: charge concentartion, increase of electrons mobilityd, surface electric field, triangular well
The Quantum Hall Effect in Low-dimensional Solid State Structures
Author: LADO JIBUTIsupervisor: Amiran Bibilashvili
Syntethis of LSCO high-temperature superconductor using photostimulated Solid State reaction, it's properties and research
Author: Tornike Tchabukianisupervisor: Alexander Shengelaya
Keywords: LSCO, Superconductor, High-Temperature Supeconductor, photostimulated solid state reaction
Research and development of micro and nano materials
Author: Amiran BibilashviliCo-authors: Z.Kushitashvili, Z.Jibuti, L.Jibuti
Keywords: Plasma, UV, Oxide, Nitride
The Phenomenon of Superconductivity
Author: Grigol Taniashvilisupervisor: Alexander Shengelaya