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Subsurface targets detection using EM sensors
Author: David KakuliaCo-authors: D. Kakulia, L. Shoshiashvili, A.Lomia, I. Shamatava, G. Popov
Keywords: Electromagnetic induction, Eddy currents, Plastic mines, Method of auxiliary sources
Establishment and testing of the power system for ELF TSU Net station.
Author: revaz kereselidzeSolenoid Inductance Calculation
Author: Teona JobavaReview of high voltage battery cells system in modern electric and hybrid cars
Author: Giorgi KapanadzeValidation of the Circuit Wideband Model Accuracy for Toroidal Inductors
Author: Mariam Oragvelidzesupervisor: Anna Gheonjian
Keywords: Toroidal inductors, EMC Modeling, Circuit model
Tbilisi State University Extremely Low Frequency Radiation Research Net (ELFTSU Net): Earthquake Triggering and Synchronization Concept for the Net Operation
Author: Mariam Oragvelidzesupervisor: Lev Geonjian
Keywords: self-organized criticality; parametric modulation; critical state monitoring; earthquake precursors;
vehicle to vehicle connection
Author: Davit Imnadzesupervisor: Anna Gheonjian
Modeling of a high-frequency amplifier on the LdmoST PD84008 (STMicroelectronics) transistor and the study of the influence of parasitic parameters of elements.
Author: Badri KhvitiaKeywords: High-frequency amplifier, modeling.
Operational Principle of the HV three-phase Hall Sensor Motor and Inverter Using IGBT Transistor
Author: Zviad kutchadzeCo-authors: Zviad Kutchadze1,2,Anna Gheonjian1,2, Diana Eremyan,1,2, Badri Khvitia1,2,Roman Jobava1,2
supervisor: Roman jobava
Keywords: IGBT, Inverter