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Brachytherapy treatment planning
Author: tea avalianisupervisor: beka bochorishvili, Revaz shanidze
Teletheraphy treatment planning
Author: nino batselashvilisupervisor: beka bochorishvili, Revaz shanidze
Environmental radiation monitoring with a Geiger-Müller detectors
Author: Medea Abramishvilisupervisor: Revaz Shanidze
Keywords: radiation, monitoring
Ionization, excitation and dissociation at collisions of e - Ar,O2 and O - Ar, N2
Author: Malkhaz GochitashviliCo-authors: Ramaz Lomsadze, Roman Kezerashvili, Nugzar Mosulishvili and David Kuparashvili
Keywords: Excitation, Dissociation, Band system
Two-Coulomb-centre problem - the continuous spectrum
Author: Tamaz KereselidzeKeywords: contiouous spectrum, spheroidal coordinates, quasimolecule
Formation of hydrogen in the early universe: quasimolecular mechanism of recombination
Author: Tamaz KereselidzeKeywords: early universe, recombination, quasimolecule
Excitonic complexes in ZnO/ZnMgO, CdSe/ZnS and CdSe/CdS core/shell nanowires
Author: Zaal MachavarianiCo-authors: Roman Kezerashvili, Tamar Tchelidze, Bachana Beradze
Keywords: Trions, Nanowire, Biexciton