
Environmental radiation monitoring with a Geiger-Müller detectors
Author: Medea AbramishviliKeywords: radiation, monitoring
The discovery of radioactivity was a great step forward in the history of mankind as a scientific and perspective. However, the progress has been followed by a rather negative negative. The use of atomic energy for military purposes caused mass victims. Everybody knows the consequences of the bombing of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as a number of nuclear weapons, and a number of disasters have occurred on nuclear power plants that killed millions of lives and dramatically increased environmental radiation. Due to accidents on nuclear power plants, many living organisms have been replaced by genetics, and their offspring are mainly mutated. Thus, in the conditions of today's increased radiation background, it is important to know what is radiation and how we have the environment. At the conference I will review the radiation detection methods and talk about radiation monitoring of the environment both in the world and in Georgia.