
Excitonic complexes in ZnO/ZnMgO, CdSe/ZnS and CdSe/CdS core/shell nanowires
Author: Zaal MachavarianiCo-authors: Roman Kezerashvili, Tamar Tchelidze, Bachana Beradze
Keywords: Trions, Nanowire, Biexciton
A study of the trion and biexciton in a nanowire (NW) in the framework of the eective-mass model is presented. We consider the formation of trions and biexcitons under the action of both the lateral connement and the localization potential. The analytical expressions for the binding energy and eigenfunctions of the trion and biexciton are obtained and expressed by means of matrix elements of the eective one-dimensional cusp-type Coulomb potentials whose parameters are determined selfconsistently by employing eigenfunctions of the confined electron and hole states. Our calculations for the ZnO/ZnMgO, CdSe/ZnS and CdSe/CdS core/shell cylindrical shaped NWs show that the trion and biexciton binding energy in NWs are size-dependent and for the same input parameters the biexciton binding energy in NWs is always larger than the binding energy of the trion. The associative ionization of biexciton antibonding states into trion bonding states that leads to the formation of trions is studied. Based on the results for size dependence of biexciton binding energy and probability associative ionization an optimal radius for optoelectronic application NW is suggested.
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