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Mobile application for food places
Author: Dimitri JanelidzeCo-authors: Natali Alibegashvili, Anri Kereselidze
supervisor: Magda Tsintsadze
Keywords: Mobile, Food, Order, Search
search engine optimization in Google environment.
Author: sulkhan tabatadzeThe method of generation of Abelian Matrix multiplicative finite field
Author: Melkisadeg Jinjikhadzesupervisor: Richard Megrelishvili
Author: Mariam KochladzeCo-authors: cadfvarg
Film reviews sentiment analysis
Author: Vakhtang NodadzeCo-authors: Vakhtang Nodadze, Konstantine Kutalia,Giorgi Ebralidze
supervisor: Papuna Qarchava
Keywords: Films, Film information, Film reviews, Web aplication, Frontend, Backend
Recurrent neural networks in tasks of sentiment analysis
Author: gela besiashviliCo-authors: Gela Besiashvili, Papuna Qarchava
Keywords: recurrent neural network, sentiment analisy
Author: otar siradzeCo-authors: Dato Moseshvili
supervisor: Papuna Qarchava
Keywords: Mobile App, Bicycle, Social Network
photos in one space
Author: giorgi tsiklaurisupervisor: giorgi tsiklauri
Keywords: personal space, photos, social networks, simplisity, novation
Content Manegment Systems
Author: Nodari Mamatsashvilisupervisor: Nodar mamatsashvili
TSU - CyberCompAlu
Author: Mikheil AleksidzeCo-authors: Davit Iakobidze, Zura Nozadze, Gigi Nikolaishvili
supervisor: Mikheil Aleksidze
Keywords: TSU, Bachelor, Essey
Sensitivity improvement methods
Author: Giorgi TetunashviliCo-authors: Bachana Lobjanidze, Gela Alavidze
supervisor: Magda Tsintsadze
Keywords: sensitivity measure, improve reflex, improve accuracy
On the behavior of certain classes of finite automata in a fuzzy environment
Author: Tariel KhvedelidzeKeywords: behavior of automaton, fuzzy environment, learning automaton, generalized Markov chain.
using genetic Algorithms for design symmetrical cryptosystems
Author: Zurab KochladzeKeywords: Genetic algorithms, symmetrical cryptography, Pseudo-random number generator.
A Possibilistic Prediction Problem for Weakly Structured Processes
Author: Gia SirbiladzeKeywords: weakly structured system, fuzzy sets, possibility measure, possibilistic prediction