
photos in one space
Author: giorgi tsiklauriKeywords: personal space, photos, social networks, simplisity, novation
Think about what if all the photos you see on different sites and you like to have them together in one space, and avoid searching for them all over the time. That thought brought me to the conclusion that I should start a project that would help me and everybody in solving this problem. It was not a simple task, but a lot of questions were asked: "How can we find and combine all the pictures?", "How do you keep them?" The answer to these questions was slowly apearing, and I decided to create a website once each user had his own personal space and for that I added a site registration function, and then I had to add a search engine to the web site that enabled users to find their desired images the google custom search API game me such an functionality and and after that we had to store that images in user’s spaces which we did with scrapy API and Django_'s models to work together. I went to the result of a web-site, where each registered user has the opportunity to find and store pictures in their personal space from sites like,, and many more.