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Cosmological Constant from the Entropy Balance Condition
Author: Merab GogberashviliKeywords: Dark Energy, Thermodynamic gravity, Null energy condition
Status of the KM3NeT neutrino project
Author: Revaz ShanidzeKeywords: Neutrino, research infrastucture, KM3NeT, ORCA
Gravitational Waves from the Mirror World
Author: Revaz Beradzesupervisor: Merab Gogberashvili
Keywords: Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, Mirror World
Edge states and singularities of Berry curvatire in 2D systems
Author: George TsitsishviliCo-authors: Merab Eliashvili
Neutrino event IceCube-170922A and multi-messenger observations
Author: Gogita PapalashviliStudy of the high energy neutrino detection with KM3NeT/ORCA
Author: Gogita PapalashviliHall effect and lowest Landau level quantum field
Author: merab eliashviliCo-authors: George Tsitsishvili
Keywords: QHE, LLL, Lagrangiian, desity operator
SAE problem in quantum mechanics for two and three dimensions
Author: Teimuraz NadareishviliCo-authors: Anzor Khelashvili
Keywords: Bound states, Self-adjoint extension, singular potentials