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Gravitational Waves from the Mirror World

Author: Revaz Beradze
Keywords: Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, Mirror World

From the first two observing runs Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) witnessed ten signals from the binary black hole merger events and one signal from the binary neutron star system. As black hole events were not accompanied by the electromagnetic radiation, we discuss their existence in the hidden mirror universe. Mirror matter interacts with our world only through gravity, it is a candidate of dark matter and its density can exceed ordinary matter density five times. The mirror world is considered to be colder, so star formation there started earlier and mirror black holes had more time to pick up the mass and to create more binary systems within the LIGO reachable zone. We estimate factor of 15 amplification of black holes merger rate in mirror world with respect to our world, which is consistent with the LIGO observations.

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