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Mathematical-chemical Investigation of Hg(I) Halides
Author: kristina giorgadzeKeywords: QANB-matrices, halides
Homoannular disubstituted ruthenocenes containing a trifluoromethyl(tetramethyl)cyclopentadienyl ligand
Author: Avthandil KoridzeCo-authors: S.V. Safronov, A.A. Pavlov, V. I. Sokolov, A.A. Koridze
Keywords: metallocenes, ruthenium, ruthenocenes, homoannular, heteroannular
New ruthenocene-based ruthenium pincer complex bearing the C5Me4CF3 ligand
Author: Avthandil KoridzeCo-authors: S.V. Safronov, A.A. Koridze
Keywords: ruthenium, rythenocene, pincer complex
Application of the ANB-matrices and their Modifications in Mathematical Chemistry
Author: mikheil gverdtsiteliCo-authors: K.Giorgadze
Keywords: matrix, topologic index, correlation
Arsenic-containing waste as a material resource for obtaining new compounds
Author: maia rusiaKeywords: arsenikum, waste