
Arsenic-containing waste as a material resource for obtaining new compounds
Author: maia rusiaKeywords: arsenikum, waste
At the present stage of development of chemistry, it is actual to obtain new cheap raw materials. In the conditions of raw materials deficient, using products derived from the processing of arsenic-production wastes to obtain coordination compounds of certain properties will not only contribute to the development of new commercially interesting forms of compounds, but will also solve a significant problem - protect the environment from pollution by arsenic-containing wastes. One of the most efficient ways to solve this problem is to obtain new biologically active coordination compounds from industrial arsenic waste. Studies show that polyelement coordination compounds have many interesting properties. This ensures their extensive use in practice. Recently, complex compounds, which, along with nitrogen and d-metals, also contain tetratioarsenate groups are of special interest. The aim of our research is to obtain and study the coordination compounds of d- and f-metals with pyridine (one of the promising and available nitrogen-containing ligands) based on products (tetrathioarsenates) obtained by processing the above-mentioned industrial waste. They are expected to have high biological activity.