
Case based methods for assessing the learning and knowledge in ICT literacy
Author: Maia ArchuadzeCo-authors: M.Khachidze, M.Tsintsadze, G.Besiashvili
Keywords: ICT Literacy, Learning methods, Case based methods
The issue of computer literacy is relevant for all countries that link their economic development with the development and use of digital technologies. If we consider that it is an integral part of the modern industry, it's literacy is comparable to the spread of literacy in the early twentieth century (often in the larger scale).Methods of universally recognized and experienced traditional teaching based on the specificity of the IT knowledge often do not produce the desired results.Methods of teaching that are taught in the ISS are ideologically related to the student oriented learning. However, in this ideology it is considered a number of methods that are more efficient. This method is based on problem oriented learning.The method implies the establishment of a particular practical task at the initial stage of study and gradually studying / applying "tools" to solve this problem.