
To the approximate solution of Cauchy problem for evolutional equation by high order of accuracy
Author: Tamaz VashakmadzeKeywords: Cauchy problem, evolutional equation, high order of accuracy, anisotropy
The report represents the part of works dedicated to solution of initial problem for evolutional equations. For the permission of this problem the necessary stage is the approximate solution of boundary value problem for systems of partial differential equations by schemes of high order of accuracy. Here we consider the case when the object represents the three dim linear problems of theory of elasticity for cylindrical form of anisotropic media. Would be efficient algorithms which enlarged the possibility of Resolvent (see i.e.S.G. Krein, M.I. Khazan: Differential Equations in Banach Spaces, Итоги науки и техники (Servey of Sci.&Tech.), Ser. Mathem. Analysis,1983, v.21,130-264) and Finite-Difference (i.e. R.D. Richtmyer, K.W. Morton: Difference Methods for Initial-Value Methods, Interscience Publi-shers, J. Wiley & Sons, N.-Y., L.-, Sydney,1967) classical schemes