
Study of modifying influence of metal ions and peptide bioregulator Epitalon on clastogenic effect of mitomycin
Author: Tinatin JokhadzeCo-authors: M.Gaiozishvili, T.Buadze, T.Sigua, N.Baratashvili, T.Lezhava
Keywords: Mitomycin, Epitalon
Has been studied the possibility of modifying the clastogenic effect of mitomycin C with metal ions and oligopeptide Epitalon. Were used inorganic salts of cadmium and copper as a modifiers, whose correcting ability is confirmed in conditions of radiation-induced mutagenesis, and epitalon - peptide bioregulator having geroprotective properties. Studies were performed using cells of lymphocyte cultures. To measure the clastogenic effect was used the frequency of the cells containing the chromosomal aberrations. Cadmium and copper were used as solutions of inorganic salts with 0,5x10-4 M concentration. The epitolone was added to the concentration of a single therapeutic dose (the compounds were added to the cultures before and after exposure of mitomycin). Several concentrations of mitomycin were tested. It is shown that cadmium and copper ions own clastogenic effect is significantly less compared with mitomycin damaging effect. It was found that both tested metal in both variant of combined action (before and after addition of mitomycin) significantly (on average by 50%) lowered the effect of mitomycine. Exposure of epitalon ervealed also protectoric effect, which has led to a sharp decline (up to 8,9%) of clastogenic activity of mitomycin (29.2%). The alleged mechanism of the protective effect identified by test agents must be related to the fact that both cadmium and copper ions and epitolon have shown specific action on chromatin - the ability decondensation, which causes the damaged chromatin to be reached by the repair enzymes, which in turn, is a prerequisite for the reduction of mutation frequency. Mimotycin is a drug used for chemotherapy in oncology with characteristic negative adverse side effects which is conditioned by its mutagenic activity. Because the tested oligopeptide epitolon is also used in medical practice - in Geriatrics, the results obtained in studies provide a basis for recommendation its inclusion in treatment scheme in order to reduce the adverse effects of mitomycin.