
Climate Change Effect on Meteorological Parameters at the Example of Tbilisi City
Author: Giorgi KhomasuridzeKeywords: Climate Change, Meteorological Parameters, Tbilisi City
There are many different factors that affect climate formation of Tbilisi City: elevation, exposition of surrounding ridges, terraced structure of Tbilisi basin, hydroweb, vegetation cover, forest cover and etc. In Tbilisi City, there is marked a general trend of climate change typical foreastern Georgia. Air pollution caused by motor transport, massive cutting of green cover and construction of multi-storey buildings instead of them,uncontrollable landfills and etc.that has harmful effect on city climate. According to the data of Tbilisi meteorological stationobservationavarage annual temperature(1965-2017) and total sum of annual precipitation (1966-2017) have changed with linear (by period of 50 years) approximate trend of Tbilisi annual temperature (1965-2017) and precipitation(1966-2017): annual temperature and precipitationincreased from accordingly from 12.0°C to 13.3°Cand from 480mm to 500mm. Thus, Tbilisi annual temperature increased by 1.2°C/50y. and annual precipitation by 20mm/50y.
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კლიმატის ცვლილების გავლენა მეტეოროლოგიურ პარამეტრებზე ქალაქ თბილისის მაგალითზე [ka]Climate Change Effect on Meteorological Parameters on the Example of Tbilisi City [en]