
wine chemistry
Author: nino gagniashviliKeywords: wine, chemistry
In vino, veritas…a Latin phrase meaning “in wine, truth.” Indeed, numerous civilizations throughout history have similar phrasings given the prominence that wine has played, and continues to play, in diverse religious, cultural, and social events. Yet, despite its nearly seven millenia as part of the human experience, our understanding of this beverage and all of its truths remains woefully incomplete, even in light of the prowess of modern science. The reasons for this state of affairs are complicated, perhaps justifiably so given that it is the complexity of wine that draws many to its taste and to learning the art of its production. wine is a mixture of hundreds of different molecules, that gives it the quality of being a living, breathing thing. The identity and concentration of these varied compounds at any given time depends on every factor conceivable, from the vine and the soil, to the weather that season, to the full production process, to how a bottle has been stored, to how long a poured glass or opened bottle has had a chance to breathe before being enjoyed.