
Study of Genomic characteristics in case of Lung Cancer
Author: Nano MikaiaKeywords: Lung cancer, Genetic, Georgian population
According to World Health Organization data, the current level of death caused by cancer, which is about 8.2 million in the world, will increase by more than 13 million before 2030. The purpose of our work was: to determine the variation of the genomic parameters in individuals with lung cancer; to study the activity of ribosomal cistrones; todetermine the level of mutations of the chromosomes (aberrations, aneuploidy, polyploidy, early chromatid segregation (ECS), fragile sites); to measure the frequency of acrocentric chromosomes and ribosomal cistrones.The results show that in cells of lung cancerpatients statistically significant was increased the structural(aberrations, fragile sites) and quantitative (ECS, aneuploidy, polyploidy) disorders of chromosomes compared to the control group. In the 58% of male patients the aneuploidy was induced by the lost of Y chromosomes. In patients with lung cancer, thefrequency of centromeric fringe sites have increased in comparison to the control group, while the frequency of medial fragile sites decreased. In patients with lung cancer, the frequency of acrocentric chromosomes is relatively higher than in control group that is indicating the increase of transcriptional activity of ribosomal genes.