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On the Lazard ring
Author: Malkhaz BakuradzeCo-authors: V. Vershinin
We define a formal power series $\sum A_{ij}x^iy^j$ over the Lazard ring $\Lambda $ and the formal group laws $F_{n}, \, n\geq 2$ over a quotient ring of $\Lambda$. %by the ideal $(A_{n+1\, j},\, j > n+1)$. %In addition, For each $F_{n}$ we construct a complex cobordism theory with singularities with the coefficient ring $\mathbb{Q}[p_1,\cdots, p_{2n}]$, with parameters $p_i$, $|p_i|=2i$.
Lecture files:
On the Lazard ring [en]