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Hydrodynamic jets from protostellar accretion disks with turbulent viscosity
Author: Nana ShatashviliCo-authors: E. Arshilava, M. Gogilashvili, V. Loladze, I. Jokhadze, B. ModrekilaZe, A.G. Tevzadze
Keywords: Accretion, Accretion Disk, Jet, Disk-Jet Structure, Beltrami-Bernoulli Flow
Inflation as a spontaneous symmetry breaking of Weyl symmetry
Author: Alexander BarnaveliCo-authors: Stefano Lucat, Tomislav Prokopec
Large-scale velocity and magnetic field generation/acceleration in stellar atmospheres
Author: Nino RevazashviliCo-authors: Ketevan Kotorashvili
supervisor: Nana Shatashvili
Keywords: Degenerate Gas, White Dwarf, Pulsar, Reverse Dynamo
Large Scale Structure Formation in Pulsar Degenerate Relativistic Outer Layer
Author: Irakli JokhadzeCo-authors: Nana Shatashvili, Alexander Tevzadze, Swadesh Mahajan
supervisor: Nana Shatashvili, Alexander Tevzadze
Keywords: compact object's magnetosphere, pulsar, relativistic generalized vorticity, relaxed states, degenerate gas.