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Bacteriophages against beta-lactamase producing gram-negative bacteria
Author: Lika Leshkashelisupervisor: Mzia Kutateladze
Bacteriophage endolysins and their antibacterial potential
Author: Lika Leshkashelisupervisor: Mzia Kutateladze
Naturally occurring antibodies against hCG β core fragment and cancer
Author: Nino ChikadzeCo-authors: N. Gachechiladze, N. Porakishvili
Interactions between signalling pathways of B cell receptor (BCR) and CD180 toll-like receptor (TLR) in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
Author: TAMAR TSERTSVADZECo-authors: N.Mitskevich, N.Porakishvili
Keywords: CLL, CD180, BCR