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On the strong differentiation of integrals for spaces near L^{1}
Author: Tengiz KopalianiCo-authors: Amiran Gogatishvili
Rearrangement theorem for the weak topology
Author: George ChelidzeCo-authors: George Giorgobiani, Vazha Tarieladze
Keywords: Rearrangement theorem, sum range, Steinitz range
The generalized absolute convergence of the double Fourier-Haar series
Author: Rusudan MeskhiaOn geometry and interpolation problem of Banach space
Author: daviti adamadzesupervisor: Tengiz kopaliani
Keywords: Modulus of convexity, modulus of smoothness, Banach space, the interpolation method of Lyons-Peter
On the modulus of smoothness of different orders of the conjugate functions
Author: Ana DaneliaKeywords: Conjugate function, modulus of smoothness
On the Cesaro summability of negative order of double series with respect to block-orthonormal systems
Author: Givi NadibaidzeKeywords: Cesaro means of negative order, block-orthogonal series
On convergence in the norm of Cesáro means of the class of functions of generalized bounded variation
Author: Teimuraz AkhobadzeDISCRETE EXTREMUM
Author: giorgi solomnishviliCo-authors: Giorgi Solomnishvili, Aleks Aleksandria
supervisor: Ana Danelia
Keywords: extremum, natural numbers, set of integer numbers
Spherical partial sums of Fourier series
Author: Ushangi GoginavaApproximation properties of angular partial sums of multiple trigomometric Fourier series
Author: Leri GogoladzeKeywords: Multiple Fourier series, Angular partial sums
About on a splitting type of a holomorphic Vector Bundles on Riemann Surface
Author: gega gulagashviliThe generalized absolute convergence of the double Fourier-Haar series
Author: Rusudan MeskhiaKeywords: generalized absolute convergence, modulus of variation
Some properties of general Fourier coefficients
Author: Vakhtang TsagareishvilKeywords: functions of bounded variation, Fourier coefficient, general orthonormal system
The variable exponent Lebesgue function spaces close to L^\infty
Author: Shalva ZviadadzeCo-authors: Tengiz Kopaliani
Keywords: Variable exponent Lebesgue space, Decreasing rearrangement