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Predicting real estate prices using Machine Learning
Author: Davit KobaladzeCo-authors: Giorgi Beridze
supervisor: Maia Archuadze
Keywords: data collection, price prediction, machine learning
physics online portal
Author: Giorgi MgvdliashviliCo-authors: davit javakhishvili
supervisor: manana xachidze
Keywords: physics, teaching, portal
Predicting real estate prices using Machine Learning
Author: Davit KobaladzeCo-authors: Giorgi Beridze
supervisor: Maia Archuadze
Keywords: data collection, price prediction, machine learning
Common Spam Detection Techniques
Author: Tornike Gegeshidzesupervisor: Manana Khachidze
Measuring public opinion using Twitter sentiment analysis
Author: Aram MelikianiCo-authors: Gevorg Mkrtichiani
supervisor: Papuna Karchava
Keywords: Semantic analysis, big data, Python data visualization
Augmented Reality for Business
Author: Zurabi BerianidzeCo-authors: Lasha Tkemaladze, Givi Tkemaladze, Giorgi Shalamberidze
supervisor: Magda Tsintsadze
Keywords: Business, Product, Technology, Augmented Reality
Service Centers Location Planning Problem in the Fuzzy Environment
Author: Irina KhutsishviliKeywords: Facility location selection problem, fuzzy TOPSIS approach, Shannon entropy, hesitant fuzzy set, ranking of alternatives.
information technology in tourism
Author: nodar gelashviliCo-authors: qeti modebadze,levan markozashvili,gvanca mecxovrishvili
supervisor: papuna qarchava
Electronic portal for distance learning
Author: Sandro MirianashviliCo-authors: Sandro Mirianashvili, Davit Nikoleishvili, George Pogosyan, Sophiko Phikidze
supervisor: Manana Khachidze
Keywords: electronic learning, education, web application
Georgian Animations Archive
Author: Giorgi TsitsvidzeCo-authors: Bacho Gigineishvili, Salome Kavelashvili, Giorgi Tsomaia, Nodar Ginturi
supervisor: Manana Khachidze
Keywords: Animations, Popularization
Resources Management System
Author: Aleksandre SabanadzeCo-authors: Viktoria Ckhondia, Gvantsa Kevkhishvili
supervisor: Manana Khachidze
Keywords: resource, system, management
The Dusty Bookshelf
Author: Amirani KhazaradzeCo-authors: Teimuraz Dekanadze
supervisor: Manana Khachidze
Keywords: book exchange, free book, book gift.
Project Venom
Author: Avto BolashviliCo-authors: Guram Khasia, Giorgi Gongadze, Avto Diakvnishvili
supervisor: Manana Khachidze
Keywords: Big Data, Microservices
ECS as an alternative to OOP for game development
Author: Rezo JanjghavaCo-authors: Otar Burjanadze, Gela Lomidze
supervisor: Papuna Karchava
Keywords: ECS, OOP, games, game development, paradigm
Sheila (self driving car)
Author: Zaal DzindzibadzeCo-authors: Mate Bersenadze, Mikheil Lomidze, Aleksandre Sarchimelidze
supervisor: Papuna Karchava
Keywords: Deep Learning, Self driving car, Machine learning, Autonomous system
Issues Realization of Quantum Computing Models through Functional Programming
Author: Natela ArchvadzeKeywords: Quantum computing, models, functional programming, Haskell.