
Influence of various organic silicates on modern composite materials
Author: Giorgi ParulavaKeywords: Composite materials, tetraethilsilicate, ethilsilicate
In the modern day, priority is given towards cheaper and economically more viable options in the construction industry, this is often caused by the high cost of classic building materials. These days composite materials which are often used, contain not only inorganic but organic chemicals that give them surtain properties such as tensile and adhesive srengh on top of making them economically viable, their production is generally cheaper and it produces the same quality products as classic materials but with downside of being more complex.. Modern composite materials often use cellulose as a component, it is to be noted that cellulose has various modifications, these modifications often fulfill different roles, one of which is hydrophibic additions, which fulfill their roles in damp and moist iviroment, because of this they are often used in areas with high moisture percetege in the air. Hydrophobic additions are quite expensive tho, their main function is to create a micelle which is stable and has ability to repel water. In addition to previous paragraph, attention is also given to strength of the material, however in composite materials this is exceedingly difficult when compared to creating a hydrophobic material, this is due to the fact that tensile strength of a composite materials is determined by many other factors, one of of which is the size of particles, strength of chemical bonds etc.To solve the following issues we conducted research with various silicates that posses the desired properties which might improve the composite materials. During testing tetraetoxisilicate and ethilsilicate was added into the various composite materials, this addition was direct and by form of treating already finished material, the optimal mixing method was detetmined by testing of applied material for adhesion results, with this method it was determined that the optimal method of mixing the the research materials was to mix them simoltaniously. After the addition of the two materials it was determined that tetraetoxisilicate acts as a quickener and its addition leads to rapid drying up of the material, this results in quick drying material that is detrimental towards the composite material, resulting in large loss of adhesive property, similar results happened with ethilsilicate, however this effect was lesssned when the material was introduced to other composite materials such as hydroisolation and liquid flooring, however the addition of this chemical failed to give the composite material the hydrophibic property. In addition individual elements were tested, research resulted in the fact that out of all the typical ingiridents, various types of cellulose tend to have the the most visually visible reaction with the silicates.