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Fluorine containing solid polymer electrolyte membranes
Author: Omar MukbanianiCo-authors: Omar Mukbaniani, Jimsher Aneli, Eliza Markarashvili, Tamara Tatrishvili, Izabela Esartia, Donari Otiasvili,Mariam Razmazashvili, Tamar Gokadze
Keywords: Hydrosilylation, copolymerization, sol-gel, polymer electrolyte, membrane
The hydrosilylation reaction of¬tet¬ra¬silo¬¬xane (D4H) with acrylate and vinyltriethoxysilane at 1:3:1 ratio of initial comp¬ounds in the presence of platinum catalysts have been carried out and corres¬ponding D4RR’ type adduct have been obtained. Via ring ope¬ning copolymerization reaction of cyclic compound comb-type polymers have been obtained. Sol-gel reactions of polymers doped with lithium salts solid polymer electrolyte membranes have been obtained. The ion-conductivity of the membrane have been determined.