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Magnetometry and NMR Study of Carbon Nanopowders Doped with Cobalt Nanoclusters and Self-assembly of their Polymer Nanocomposites under Magnetic Field
Author: tsisana GavasheliCo-authors: G. Ghvedashvili, G. Mamniashvili, T. Gegechkori
Keywords: carbon nanopowder, magnetic nanoclusters, core-shell structure, cobalt, self-assembly, NMR.
In this work we show that the simple radio-frequency (RF) resonant magnetometry and the NMR technique using the additional exciting magnetic video-pulses could be used for fast assessment of magnetic properties of a batch of carbon cobalt nanopowders synthesized by pyrolysis of different hydrocarbons.
Lecture files:
Magnetometry and NMR Study of Carbon Nanopowders Doped with Cobalt Nanoclusters and Self-assembly of their Polymer Nanocomposites under Magnetic Field [en]მაგნიტური ნანოკლასტერებით დოპირებული ნახშირბადის ნანონაწილაკების მაგნიტური ველში თვითორგანიზების მაგნიტომეტრული და ბმრ შესწავლა [ka]