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Tbilisi State University Extremely Low Frequency Radiation Research Net (ELFTSU Net): the Concept and Structure of ELF Observation Station
Author: Pavle TsotskolauriKeywords: ELF electromagnetc radiation; earthquake precursors;
We represents the modular concept and the final structure of Tbilisi State University ELF net standard observation station. The project concerns the consistent development of a dense network for Caucasus and Anatolian-Iranian Plateau tectonic faults system state monitoring. The modular concept provides the possibility to choose the most convenient configuration of the station, based on the specific characteristics of the fault and the operating and maintenance conditions. The station is completely autonomous. It can accumulate and transmit data. In comparison with the first prototypes, the noise characteristics of the station were significantly improved.
Lecture files:
Tbilisi State University Extremely Low Frequency Radiation Research Net (ELFTSU Net): The Concept and Structure of ELF Observation Station [en]თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ექსტრემალურად დაბალი სიხშირის ელექტრომაგნიტური გამოსხივების კვლევითი ქსელი (ELF TSU Net): ELF დაკვირვებითი სადგურის კონცეფცია და სტრუქტურა [ka]