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Elaboration of universal module for stepper motor and survey to use it in some typical engineering problems
Author: Ilia BuzaladzeCo-authors: Shalva Rakviashvili
Keywords: stepper motor, sensors, control
The goal of report is to present the project, which include making the universal working module for stepper motor, that can help scientists solving engineering problems. During the project we created visualization which combines stepper motor and some different modules: -First module combines microphone sound and light sensors. - Second module combines microphone sound and photo interrupter sensors. - Third module combines microphone sound and magnetic sensor.
Lecture files:
Elaboration of universal module for stepper motor and survey to use it in some typical engineering problems [en]ბიჯური ძრავის მართვის უნივერსალური მოდულის შემუშავება და რამდენიმე ტიპიურ საინჟინრო ამოცანაში გამოყენების კვლევა [ka]